“There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing.”

It all started in the year 1987 when Chaitanya Sravanthi, a voluntary organization, was registered under the Societies registration Act, 1860.
Chaitanya Sravanthi is a non – political, non – governmental organization (NGO) striving for the upliftment of the downtrodden, and empowerment of the women
Our prime objective is..To aware, To educate, To encourage, To support, To uplift and To Empower the down trodden women. So that they become economically independent and self-reliant.
Our Activities…
Women’s health issues are important to Chaitanya Sravanthi as they ultimately determine the wellbeing of families and communities. Illness of women even for short durations leaves a negative…READ MORE
To Chaitanya Sravanthi education forms one of its core concerns. The organization considers education to be an effective empowerment tool…READ MORE
The Organisation has conducted awareness generating programmes and counseling sessions at regular intervals to the member. The members were made aware about the…READ MORE
Chaitanya Sravanthi played a major role in uplifting the downtrodden especially the vulnerable section of the society- women…READ MORE
As an organization we conduct rallies and Dharnas on various social causes to bring out them into Govt. Insight to take proper action against them…READ MORE
The success of Self Help Groups (SHGs) in women empowerment has been widely accepted and Chaitanya Sravanthi also embraced this model. It has about 525 SHGs…
Coordination with other NGO’s, & welfare organizations: We believe that It is not necessary that you should be well equipped to build a building and We always search for low cost solutions that rely on partnerships and our vast volunteer base.
We partnered with other NGOs and welfare organizations to cover wide range of the geographical area and to reach unreached women.
Impact Meter
I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved
…….Dr B R Ambedkar
“A Study of SHGs performance in Chaitanya Sravanthi” conducted by Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Centre for Women Study on the empowerment of women at urban slums of Visakhapatnam has revealed the improved trends in earning capacity, participation in social development activities and economic decisions, self sufficiency, confidence levels and self esteem among the women. Household Incomes before and after Chaitanya Sravanthi Intervention