President’s Word

I acknowledge the fact that we have come a long way. But , what makes me proud after my  enormous years of long journey with Chaitanya Sravanthi is, what i have achieved for the poor, depressed women. I was not aware in 1999 when I have taken up Self-Help Group approach, that it was the tool I was searching for the years to empower the women. I still remember those days when women were utterly exploited by private unscrupulous money lenders when they need money for emergency family needs. But today it’s a great feeling that a small group of women initiative in 1987 has emerged as a huge network of empowered women with about 6000 beneficiaries and more than 3000 proud, successful entrepreneurs.

Today women who were at one time in dire need of help have themselves become active volunteers of Chaitanya Sravanthi organization and are extending their support to members of their community who seek help. These women together transpired as a powerful entity advocating and achieving benefits of the government schemes and fighting against social evils such as dowry harassment, domestic violence, and alcoholism.

Chaitanya Sravanthi has launched a huge movement against ill effects of alcohol on the poor women’s families in 2007. Thousands of women participated in this movement and pressurize Government to exercise control on illegal liquor sales and uncontrolled availability of liquor in residential areas. Chaitanya Sravanthi will continue this relentless struggle against alcohol, demanding Government’s action to control the evil effects of alcohol.

Chaitanya Sravanthi has extended its arms towards many social issues which are causing ill effects on poor either directly or indirectly. As a doctor I have more concern about people’s health, as a women I cares about the women, as a human being I love people and finally as a social activist I fights against social issues. From the past few years we are fighting against the pollution caused by the Visakhapatnam port. Conducted many rallies, spoke to Port higher officials regarding steps to reduce the pollution levels, met delegates of the Parliamentary Standing committee on environment and finally filed a case against port to reduce the pollution levels.

The great commitment and timely intervention for the needy women with comprehensive activities have brought the immense involvement among the stack holders especially Government, likeminded NGOs and Women SHGs of Chaitanya Sravanthi. I would extend my heartfelt thanks for their continued courageous support for enabling Chaitanya Sravanthi to walk on the red ripened path to attain its peaks.

I once again extend my gratitude in this occasion to my staff members, board members and other partners who extended their rationale support.

Yours truly

Dr. Shirin Rahman

